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Self-Healing, Light Body Activations and
Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Techniques Seminars
A Life Changing Experience
This 7 Day Seminar changes one’s life in one week. After a free one-month home study course, one goes to a week long retreat at a lodge or hotel. Years of wisdom and powerful techniques are given in a concentrated manner within a focused environment where energy levels and abilities increase each day. One self-heals oneself, activates the electro-magnetic energies of God’s Unceasing Light and Unconditional Love in one’s own Light Bodies and learns how to properly focus the overflow of God’s electro-magnetic energies of Love and Light in a directional manner to heal others. Summary of Daily Events: Day 1 - Understanding the Interrelationship Between Disease and How it Relates to Past Life Karmic Debt or a Current Life Spiritual Test. Day 2 - Understanding the Interrelationship Between Ourselves and Creation, Including Techniques for Awakening and Cleansing One’s Light Bodies. Day 3 - Activation of One’s Light Bodies for Personal Visits with One’s Conscious Awareness to the Angelic and Archangelic “Kingdoms of Heaven”. Day 4 – Infusion of Love, Role of Forgiveness in Healing and Understanding the Meaning of Being a Pure Conduit of God’s Unconditional Love and Unceasing Light as a Natural Spiritual Energy Trinity Healer. Day 5 – Working with the Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Techniques and the Ring of Fire, a Unique Personal Cleansing Technique. Day 6 – Additional Time Performing Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Treatments, Experiencing the Ring of Fire Part 2 as Preparation for the Link and Visiting with Conscious Awareness, the Ancient Egyptian Hall of Records. Day 7 – Integrating the Energies of Enlightenment, Preparing to go Forth and Heal Others. Detailed Information on the 7 Days: Day 1 - Understanding the Interrelationship Between Disease and How it Relates to Past Life Karmic Debt or a Current Life Spiritual Test. Self-Healing Lecture - Discover the underlying need for self-love and forgiveness in order for healing to take place. Learn how all disease is related to a past life karmic debt or an opportunity to pass a current life spiritual test. Discussion of Karma – True gratitude for all of the events that have unfolded, and are unfolding, in one’s life, together with an understanding of karma and spiritual tests, are the keys to one’s personal emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Karma Clearing Meditation - A special all encompassing and transformative, healing and cleansing guided meditation which works on many levels, cutting karmic ties, as well as releasing energetic blockages and limitations. Judgment Day Technique - A point value system that enables one to self-administer and self-determine one’s current karmic level in this lifetime. A unique exercise which paves the way for the healing of deep-seated emotions. Karma Fire Ceremony - A special Fire Ceremony that provides for the rebirth of a person in this lifetime using an ancient method which transforms negative memories into neutral experiences. Forgiveness Meditation - A cleansing and balancing meditation that releases energy blockages through a forgiveness technique which enables one to forgive one’s self and others for the emotional, mental and physical incidents in one’s past. Vision of Possibilities – Discover amazing techniques that will allow you to continue the healing transformation begun in this One Day Seminar. Experience a Natural Spiritual Healing Treatment – In completely forgiving oneself and others, one becomes ready to be completely healed with a flow of the electro-magnetic energies of God’s Unconditional Love and Unceasing Light.
Day 2 - Understanding the Interrelationship Between Ourselves and Creation, Including Techniques for Awakening and Cleansing One’s Light Bodies Creation Lecture - A lecture covering Creation, from the Birth of our Universe to the Creation of human bodies. Information includes a full explanation of Enlightenment and details about the process of one’s Ascension into Enlightenment. Dancing Into Enlightenment – A movement meditation enables one’s physical body to be active, while one’s Conscious Awareness expands to the Angelic Kingdom of Heaven. Introduction to the Awakening and Activating of One’s Light Body – Lecture explains how daily activations will enable one to attain Enlightenment in this lifetime. Karma Cleansing Meditation - A special transformative, cleansing and healing, guided meditation. Cleansing One’s Light Body Filters - Unique techniques for the daily cleansing of discordant energies, which accumulate in one’s Light Body Filters. This process enables the electro-magnetic energies of God’s Love and Light to fill one’s activated Light Bodies. Pranic Energy Center Activations - Special techniques to increase the energies of God’s Love and Light in one’s Light Bodies, the ancient technique of Unceasing Prayer. Other Activities – Spiritual Awakening or Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Treatment.
Day 3 - Activation of One’s Light Bodies for Personal Visits with One’s Conscious Awareness to the “Kingdoms of Heaven” Review of First Day’s Techniques. First Activation - of one’s Earthly Spirit Light Body to the size of an Angelic Light Body. Second Activation - expanding one’s Angelic Light Body out to the size of an Archangelic Light Body. Three Group Meditations - Light Body Activation Techniques are led by the Instructor. One Meditation - performed by oneself, independent of the Instructor, for full assimilation of the techniques and information. Discussion Time – Information, questions and answers. Ceremony to Celebrate Light Body Activations – Spiritual dancing, a powerful meditation and special energy activations to enable participants to travel into the Kingdoms of Heaven. Other Activities - Spiritual Awakening or Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Treatment.
Day 4 – Infusion of Love, Role of Forgiveness in Healing and Understanding the Meaning of Being a Pure Conduit of God’s Unconditional Love and Unceasing Light as a Natural Spiritual Energy Trinity Healer. Review of Light Body Activation Techniques. Lecture, Dance Into Enlightenment and Meditation – Lecture is followed by an advanced version of the Dance into Enlightenment. Then one expands their Conscious Awareness and Consciousness, with a meditation along with guided visits to different locations within the Angelic and Archangelic Kingdoms of Heaven. Love Infusion Meditation – Immersion into inner peace through a special Love meditation and prayer, enabling one to feel the Unceasing Light of Gods Unconditional Love envelop them. Understanding the Role of Love and Forgiveness in Healing – Forgiveness is the key to understanding and unconditionally loving oneself. This process enables one to work harmoniously giving others Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Treatments while staying balanced in their life. Love and Forgiveness Techniques – Including a special mantra to assist people in infusing love and forgiveness into themselves during their healing treatments. Also a method to verify one’s level of forgiveness to safeguard and prevent surprises on one’s spiritual path. Walking Mantra – A daily spiritual exercise for one’s spiritual and physical bodies that expands one’s spiritual energy fields of consciousness in activity. A technique which enables one to spiritually expand into Conscious Awareness and Consciousness while enjoying a walk in fresh air. Natural Spiritual Energy Healing – Information on how Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Techniques work with the energies of God’s Unceasing Light and Unconditional Love. Completion of Healing Wands for giving Healing Treatments. Discussion Time – Information, questions and answers. Other Activities - Spiritual Awakening or Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Treatment.
Day 5 – Working with the Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Techniques and the Ring of Fire, a Unique Personal Cleansing Technique. Review of Healing Techniques. Preparation, Lecture, Dance Into Enlightenment and Meditation – Lecture is followed by advanced movement meditation, or spiritual dancing, and a meditation with guided visits to different locations within the Angelic and Archangelic Kingdoms of Heaven. Ring of Fire - The Ring of Fire is a personal deep cleansing technique to enable synchronization of electro-magnetic imbalances in one’s physical body. Natural Spiritual Energy Healings – The hands-on-healing and training opportunity to heal oneself and others, while also being healed by others. The personal experience of feeling the energies of the Unceasing Light of God’s Unconditional Love pass through one’s own body to heal another. Using the Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Techniques is a life changing experience. Energy Integration Time – A period of time using techniques and methods that help one integrate the wondrous energies one gains in giving Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Treatments. Discussion Time – Information, questions and answers. Other Activities - Spiritual Awakening or Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Treatment.
Day 6 – Additional Time Performing Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Treatments, Experiencing the Ring of Fire Part 2 as Preparation for the Link and Visiting with Conscious Awareness, the Ancient Egyptian Hall of Records. Review of Healing Techniques. Preparation, Lecture, Dance Into Enlightenment and Meditation – Lecture is followed by a Dance into Enlightenment, and an expanded meditation with one’s Conscious Awareness and Consciousness expanding to visit different locations in the Angelic and Archangelic Kingdoms of Heaven. Ring of Fire Part 2 - A deep cleansing to synchronize electro-magnetic imbalances in one’s Angelic and Archangelic Light Bodies. The Link – A special Consciousness Activation that enables one to use one’s expanded Consciousness to join with new Natural Spiritual Energy Healers around the world. Ancient Egyptian Hall of Records – Specific sound signatures enable one to visit with their Conscious Awareness the exterior of the ancient Egyptian Hall of Records. Those who have fully cleansed, healed and purified themselves could even be invited inside the legendary Hall of Records. Natural Spiritual Energy Healings – Continued Practice with the Healing Techniques. Energy Integration Time – A period of time using techniques and methods that help one integrate the wondrous energies one gains in giving Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Treatments. Discussion Time – Information, questions and answers. Other Activities - Spiritual Awakening or Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Treatment.
Day 7 – Integrating the Energies of Enlightenment, Preparing to go Forth and Heal Others. Review of the Week’s Techniques and Methods. Karma Clearing Meditation – A time to evaluate, cut, cleanse, heal and release any remaining past karmic ties, blockages and/or limitations that may have emerged during the week. Alternative Judgment Day Technique – A way for one to review the past and create an alternative future using one’s newly attained Enlightened view of their present abilities. Karma Fire Ceremony – An opportunity to use the special Fire Ceremony to transform any remaining negative memories into neutral experiences. Natural Spiritual Energy Healings – Continued Practice with the Healing Techniques. Energy Integration Time – A period of time using techniques and methods that help one integrate the wondrous energies one gains in giving Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Treatments. Discussion Time – Information, questions and answers. Special Closing Ceremony
Email for further information on 7 Day Seminars, to locate or to coordinate a Seven Day Seminar in your area. In the latter case, please include in your email, your name, city, state/province and country. |
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